I agree with you, to some extent.
There's no "official enemy" but at the same time everyone knows who the "enemy" is.
For example, if you say a Biden win means "no oil, no guns, and no God" - and you know all 3 mean a great deal to your supporters - it's not difficult to figure out who it is who's trying to "rob you" of your way of life.
"China virus" is another example. Led to attacks on Asian Americans.
The El Paso Walmart shooter was wound up over "brown invaders."
These are just some examples. I don't have the stats for hate crimes against people of Mexican origin to hand but I imagine building a wall to keep out the "rapists" and "drug dealers" wouldn't have helped.
And yes, you are right regarding the frequency of the violence. It is haphazard. But maybe that's what helps. Keeps everyone on their toes. Keeps them in fear. After all, if they can storm the Capitol of the United States...