Hi Tony,
I can understand what you're saying about the Germans. I once saw an interview of a WW1 veteran who said you could never do to a fellow human being what we had to do to each other if you didn't hate him.
War does many things - breeding hatred amongst some can be one of them. It's certainly been true from an Indo-Pak perspective.
I do, however, find your statement about Europe a tad strange. The EU was formed after WW2 in a bid to create lasting peace and harmony. I once read a statement online from someone saying that "Churchill must be turning in his grave" with all that's happened, and I do think he's right.
I agree with you when you say you're fed up with the UK still pretending to a be global power. But I find the fact that it was a reason for you to vote leave rather surprising. Didn't people who voted to Leave believe that the UK would be fine on its own because it was still a "force to be reckoned with?" I never understood that bit. I mean, how were they planning on negotiating any trade deals that worked in their favour? They had 0 leverage. I do believe the UK was stronger in the Union.
Nevertheless, and as a realist myself, I find your realistic take on this issue quite refreshing.
And I think you're spot on in your analysis of the world's shifting power structure. I think power is going back to the East, with China potentially becoming the next hegemon.
I do appreciate you sharing your views on this topic as, not only were they quite unique, but you've educated me on a few things I was unaware of.
Have a nice day,